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[福宝印社] [2016/12/31] [点击 1869 次]

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展出地点:四川中国书画美术馆(成都市青羊区百花潭路十号 百花大桥侧)

戴 卫 何应辉 薛 磊 管苠棡 彭先诚 刘 朴 秦天柱 郭汝愚 袁生中 周明安
罗智慧 周裕国 张 剑 王申勇 王道义 冷柏青 邓 枫 刘浪涛 钱 磊 刘 刚
谢季筠 徐恒瑜 吴绪经 张景岳 唐允明 叶瑞琨 梁时民 戴 跃 朱常棣 罗其鑫
曹 辉 李青棵 姚思敏 刘海涛 付 红 汤 宾 刘学伦 穆晋国 龚仁军 邓敬民
陈桂生 陈志才 林茂森 李圣峰 钟士敏 华科源 邓 涛 郭 强 洪厚甜 舒 炯
何开鑫 魏学锋 王 飞 吕骑铧 林 峤 文永生 刘泽文 吕金光 汤文俊 杨江帆

文/四川省文化厅厅长 郑晓幸

  艺术家们以饱满的创作激情、感人的艺术形象、鲜明的艺术特点、生动的笔墨语言,将个人的审美理想与艺术追求融入时代大潮,创造出传承中华文化精神、高扬时代主旋律、富有巴蜀文化内涵、彰显四川气质的佳作。参展作品风格形式多样,既有对传统书画艺术的深入研究,也有融会贯通的探索创新,反映出艺术家们高尚的情怀、不懈的追求和深刻的感悟,体现了四川文化艺术兼容并包的开放性和多元化发展的蓬勃创造活力。本次展览将书画作品与书画理论研究成果融合展示, 60位艺术家围绕四川当代中国书画的传承与发展主题撰写学术论文或创作感言,并集结成册,提升了展览的学术品质,促进了四川中国书画研究学术交流,也希望我省书画家和艺术工作者,更加注重传承中的创新,把创新精神贯穿艺术创作全过程,在提高原创上下功夫,在拓展题材、内容、形式、手法上下功夫,努力提升四川书画艺术在全国的影响,更好适应四川文化大发展大繁荣的要求。

Written by Zheng Xiaoxing
  Bashu painting and calligraphy has a long history, profound connotation and unique character. Since ancient times, a large number of figures have created countless excellent works. The “2016 Sichuan Academic Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Creation”, jointly held by Sichuan Provincial Academy of Arts and Institute of Poetry Calligraphy and Painting of Sichuan, aims at inheriting the traditional Chinese art of painting and calligraphy and prospering and developing Bashu culture. The exhibition gathers the excellent works of 60 painting and calligraphy masters of Sichuan and exhibits the creation style and academic vision of modern painting and calligraphy of Sichuan.
  Artists integrate their personal aesthetic ideals and artistic pursuit into the time tide by virtue of their full creative passion, impressive artistic images, distinct artistic characteristics and vivid brush-ink language to create the excellent works with rich connotations of Bashu culture that inherit the spirit of Chinese culture, carry forward the theme of the times, and manifest the temperament of Sichuan. The exhibition works are of different styles including deep study on traditional art of painting and calligraphy and integrative exploration and innovation, and reflect artists’ noble feelings, persistent pursuit and deep apperception and embody the all-inclusive openness of Sichuan culture and art and the vigorous creativity of diversified development. The exhibition displays the research results of the works and theories of calligraphy and painting. 60 artists have prepared academic papers or creation comments, bound in a volume, themed by the inheritance and development modern Chinese painting and calligraphy in Sichuan, which improves the academic quality of exhibition and promotes the academic exchange of study on Chinese painting and calligraphy in Sichuan. We also hope that the calligraphers and painters as well as art workers of our province pay more attention to the innovation in inheritance and let the spirit of innovation run through the whole process of artistic creation, and exert more efforts in originality and development of theme, contents, form and technique, striving to promote the influence of the art of painting and calligraphy of Sichuan in China and better adapt to the requirements of cultural development and prosperity of Sichuan.
  At the 18th CPC National Congress, it was clearly proposed to promote the construction of a powerful socialist cultural country. The speech by Xi Jinping, General Secretary, at the Forum on Literature and Art and the Tenth National Conference of the Representatives of Literary and Art Workers indicates the direction of our literary and artistic creation. We have to consolidate our cultural confidence, insist on serving people and be brave in innovation and creation. We should adhere to our artistic ideal and achieve “righteous cause in our heart, people in our mind, responsibility on our shoulders and connotations in our works”. The creation and study of the art of painting and calligraphy of Sichuan should center on carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and aim at and serve the target of building a strong cultural province. It is also required to stick to the direction of advanced socialist culture, the direction of “serving people and socialism” and the principle of “being close to reality, life and mass” to create excellent works that live up to the great times and great people. Culture is the basic quality for a powerful country and is the vein of our nation and spiritual home of people. We should deeply tap the essence of thought and culture of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and go deep into the Bashu culture to promote the inheritance and innovation of ancient Shu civilization. We advocate to present the profound spiritual connotations of Bashu culture by means of calligraphy and painting. “Numerous talents arise in every generation to lead the trend for hundreds of years” We hope that all artists in the exhibition can gather wisdom and unite with one heart and one mind to continuously improve cultural quality with a high sense of responsibility by leverage of cultural self-consciousness, practice with great concentration and hard work. We should enhance our artistic attainments and prosper artistic study and creation to jointly compose a new development chapter of Bashu calligraphy and painting and make greater contributions to the construction of a powerful cultural province.
December 2016
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